    Holiday Gift Ideas(Post)

    "It's the most wonderful time of the year - treat your love to a special gift she will treasure forever. Dazzling diamond and gemstone jewels for the holidays - and every day! Visit Soho Gem for the ...

    "The Science of Forever" Lab Grown Diamonds: Alternatives, not Substitutes (Post)

    “A Diamond Is Forever”Was there ever a time diamonds didn't inspire songs, violet-eyed movie stars, classic literature and all-around bling?  It seems like forever ago, but the DeBeers marketing ...

    The Tucson Gem Show(Post)

    [View of AGTA]The agenda for buying gemstones changes slightly every year for me. When I'm looking for particular stones and can't get them directly from the mines in Madagascar, I go to Tucson, the ...

    Anzie Jewelry(Post)

    Announcing Anzie Jewelry now available in New York City at Soho Gem Fine Jewelry Boutique!Check out this video from the designer, detailing their inspired jewels! ...


    Sapphire Corundum group Color: blue, colorless, yellow, pink, green, orange, purple, black Moh's hardness: 9 The name sapphire is Greek and means "blue". Around 1800 it was recognized that sapp ...


      A diamond is a natural gem made by the splendor of nature. The brilliance, fire and uniqueness of each diamond depends on many factors,the most important of which are the 4 Cs: Color, Clari ...